It has been a busy last few days as we see friends down here head back to the US. We are on our way tomorrow. But I thought I would give you a taste of how we have been filling our time here. Last Thursday we had lunch with Neal and Judy Higgins, our Portland friends who were leaving the next day. We went to Langosta Loca (crazy lobster), a tiny little place right on the beach. They grill everything right there on a very basic outdoor brazier. We had heard good things about their grilled Red Snapper. We gave it a try. It was two kilos worth of fish, about 4 1/2 pounds! It took up two entire platters

It was delicious. In fact there was so much that Polley and I ate our share for two more meals, all for about $20. We will visit that place more next season.
At one of our recent drinking sessions we had another amazing event. There was this butterfly (male no doubt) who simply wouldn't leave Polley alone!
Twice s tried to deliver the horny but handsome fellow back into the wild and each time he was back for more.
We could not decide if the attraction was Polley's natural magnetism or the hair product she had used that morning!
There were other that we saw throughout the weekend. OUr friends from Georgia, Gene and Gay, had us out to the Mayan Palace Resort. Very beautiful! We had a lovely drink on the beach (however, the day was pretty gray)
and then Gay fixed us a delicious soup and quesadilla light supper. We really enjoyed them.
Two other gentlemen who have been great to us at La Fuente del Puente, were a couple of TimeShare characters, Jesse, on the left, and Juan, on the right.
Really nice guys and for con men they are the most honest ones we know!
The height of our stay here may have been our adventure last evening. Jose, the waiter at La Fuente, had us to his home for dinner. We had taken he and his wife, Esparanza, to dinner a month or so ago.
It was amazing. There were more than 30 people there, all connected as family in one way or another.
The occasion was to introduce us to Esparanza's Posole, a homminy dish with large pieces of chicken.
It was delicious and very filling. You topped with with onions, a wonderful cucumber/lime sauce, radishes, cabbage, whatever. However, the food did not end there as they were grilling chunks of meat and tortillas.
It was none stop! As was the beer and, eventually, tequila! But what was amazing was the wonderful togetherness of family. They do this every Sunday evening. Jose's son, here pictured on the right at the table next to Polley
lives on the top floor of Jose's home. There is a brother who is also in that house and a daughter and son-in-law that live in the house where the party was being held.
While there was not a lot of English, we did manage to communicate and got to know several of the families. This is Javier and his family.
They had lived in various places in the US for about 6 years. Anyway, it was a rare and wonderful evening. We love Jose and he has been so kind to us in the restaurant and now in his home
It is just the kind of traveling we love to do, to immerse ourselves as much as possible into the culture.
Sunday evening was exactly that.
Finally, just a salute to some our little cat neighbors that Polley has been feeding religiously (if there was a cat religion, Polley would be high priestess)
For those of you who have followed our adventures, many thanks and as I finish this it is Tuesday morning, 8 am, we are up and packing and headed home.