Dear friends and family,
The bad news is that it has been a while since I have written; the good news is that it has been a while since I have written. I say "good news," because there has been virtually "No news"! We have not visited a doctor in several weeks, Polley seems to have no indication of back probelmss and we have even made it down to the beach. There have been other necessary trips as well: manicure on Monday (Polley, not me - I read my book and drank a beer during that time), we both had hair cuts yesterday, and tonight, we are taking our favorite waiter, José and his wife to dinner. Last night we had last drink with a new set of friends from Vancouver
As we watched our final sunset (it was beauty)
Tomorrow, it is back to Oregon for the month of March. I am sure the return will take some adjustment as te weather here has been absolutly perfect. It is hard to leave it behind. However, friends, family and the US Government call!
We will miss our time with Kira
Who, as you c see, settled right in. We are looking forward to bringing our own cat down in April. Now that we have tested the security of the place, are losing our dear house-sitter, Sam, after 8 (9 ?) wonderful years, to his own apartment and are down to just a single cat, we thought we would give it a try. Stay tuned for that chapter.
So, to all of you who have kept up with our travels, another chapter comes to an end. We are in good health at the moment, enjoying life,
And hope to live the dream a while longer. See you all soon!