It has been a couple of days since I posted. That is really due to the fact that we have not done a great deal. We have been waiting for truly spring weather and until today, if has not arrived. So life has been pretty routine. Following our trip to Bari, we have sort of hunkered down. A few trips to the market, the occasional outing for a glass of wine or a gelato has been pretty much the extent of life in Lecce.
Thursday marked our one month anniversary. It got me to thinking about our schedule of two months in a place. I think it is about right, especially if you come to a city, even as one as relatively small as Lecce (about 100,000). After a month, we are really feeling like a part of the community. Owners at vegetable markets and salumarias (delicatessens) recognize us. We have become regulars. And of course, waiters and owners of our favorite watering holes take notice of us.
Today we stopped at 13 Shui Wine Bar and caught the owner, Sebastiano, and his significant other, Francesca in a couple of light-hearted moments.

Sebastiano, just a wonderful fellow who seems verymuch a round peg in a round hole loves to entertain us, correct and improve my Italian and share with us his favorite wines.

Also, a little reminder of Mexico. As we sat there, 4 wedding took place just down the street, all at the same time:

Yesterday, which was a holiday, Labor Day, the town was packed. We stopped at his place for an early afternoon drop of delicious vino frizzante. Several couples came in with two lovely little girls and 3 awful little boys. Sebastiano, Polley and I had great fun rolling our eyes at the behavior of the children. Actually, that was only for a few minutes. Sebastiano couldn’t stand it any longer and hid in the back room, leaving the serving to his staff!
When we return to the square later yesterday, we found ourselves in the midst of a car rally.

About 50 cars we being introduced individually and sent off a weekend of driving about Salento (that is this southern tip of Italy), returning on Sunday.
Paolina, our little waitress at Il Portico, caught this photo of us enjoying the wine and olives.

We also have planned a bit of driving for next week. We are heading out to the east coast and then driving down to Otranto and then down to the very tip of the heel. These excursions are going to be weekly from here on out, despite the weather. While we are only half way through our stay, we know that the second month tends to fly by.
Out for a bit of local fare tonight and then a calm and quiet Sunday I would imagine. Celia Daileader, the professor from Florida State, from whom we were intending to rent, arrives intown on Tuesday, so I am sure we will have more to report on that face-to-face meeting, as all has been by e-mail up to this point. Should be fund and interesting. Hope all is well with one and all at home and we continue to savor the fruits (and vegetables, and cheeses, and meats) of Italy.
Ed and Polley
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