I have been out of touch for a few days. Really just a lack of much to report. The weather has been awful (by PV standards that is). It has been misty, cloudy and very, very cold (PV standards applied again). Evenings have been so cold that Polley and I have eaten in our room with layer upon layer to protect us. Gloves would have been nice. We just weren't prepared for this sort of cold over here. We had our bout in Guadalajara last year, but, ironically, it is warmer in GDL than in PV at this time. We not only long for gloves, we are envious of those lucky souls who live in accommodations with WINDOWS!
Anyway, we have been limited in our travels about town. We have made it down the hill and yesterday, as it was a bit brighter (though the wind was blowing fit to knock you down) we went over the the Happy Hour at Epoca to see our friend Bobby and his fellow musicians warm the place up a bit.
It was a pretty good crowd
Also had a chance to sit with retired colleague, Neal Higgins and his wife Judy, under their palapa. In the sun it was quite pleasant, but still the wind was pushing at us from behind. We chatted and watched the crowds come and go.
Also caught our favorite bar maid, Hannah, up to her elbows in dishes.
We did stop in at El Patio on the way up the hill. In that walled courtyard it was surprisingly calm, so we enjoyed a respite from the pummeling wind. From there it was on up the hill a few steps more, when the craft lady, Marsha, caught us for a moment that turned into an hour of some pretty powerful vodka and mango juice! Then it was home for some serious cold-weather dressing and dinner indoors.
That has been the routine for the last 3 days. Limited walking about, a lot of lying under the covers in bed with our books, cursing the fact that it is so hard to turn pages in gloves. Did manage to catch some pretty impressive sunsets during the nippy evenings. Thought I would share this one with you
We are off to lunch this afternoon, looking forward to some excellent looking calamari at La Fuente. Home for a brief nap and, perhaps, a bit of the first half of the Super Bowl and then we are off to the ballet. A Russian company is passing through town, doing Romeo and Juliet. Critics' report to follow soon.
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