Very little to report. We have been concentrating on deepening our tans with daily trips to the beach. Actually, we are being sensible by spending about 30 minutes each day in the direct sun. Amazing what age and a couple of bouts with skin cancer can do for your feelings about tanning. However, it never ceases to amaze me how many people put themselves in the direct sun for hours on end, day after day. WE see their wizened little carcasses lying about the sand looking like old lost wallets. Not pretty.
One piece of news was that on March 21st my nephew became a dad and my brother and his wife, Dave and Katie became grandparents. With modern technology, we were able to share the moment of proud dad and newly arrived Blake David Bowen
Now we await word from Jeff Gauthier and Noelle Guest who are due on April 8th, Easter Sunday!
Aside from new arrivals in the world, we have been busy seeing old friends who are, one by one, abandoning PV and heading home. Friday we had lunch with Gene and Gay Tennis from Georgia. Thursday evening it was dinner with Pat and George. Pat and George don't head out until early May, but we so enjoy them that we hope to get a couple of meals in with them before we leave, a week from tomorrow, April 3rd.
Last night was our regular Sunday dinner at Vitea. We were joined by Portland friends, Neal and Judy Higgins. They head home on Friday. The town is getting quiet as the days get warmer and a bit more humid.
Polley and I continue to read piles of books, now made less burdensome with our Kindles. I think we will have plowed through nearly 30 by the time we get home! Also we have been enjoying the countless PV sunsets. Both the Romantic
and the dramatic
WE are mostly focusing on enjoying these last few days and continue to remark on how fortunate we are to be able to afford (some times just barely) these prolonged adventures and to have met so many nice people here. We also very much look forward to seeing old friends at home and, except for the prospect of cold and rain, are happily anticipating our arrival in a week. Not sure if this is the last message from here, but tune in and see.
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