One and all,
This will be a rather short blog, designed more to confirm our being still alive and well in Mexico more than providing you with our adventures. There were none!
The day began in the usual way. It was particularly humid yesterday morning. When we awoke, around 6 am, it was already 79 degrees! My walk was pretty draining. When I walked past the ladies of the Zumba class, even they seemed to be slowing down a bit. I got a few things at the grocery store, most importantly, some frijoles. Polley likes frijoles, but, unfortunately, they do not like her. So I must indulge myself one in a while. Occasionally, I get them in a small, plastic cup at the mercado and then go out onto the point and enjoy the scenery and the fragrant frijoles. It is a brief 10 minutes of pleasure. Hard to believe one can feel a bit naughty eating a tub of beans! 8 pesos of pure pleasure!
After returning to the apartment, trying to wash the beans and a grin off my face, we settled into the routine. We wandered to Langosta Loca and had a beer and a pleasant few moments with Ricardo, the only person I have ever met, who has said, "I just love Modesto!" He shared with us why his time there was so memorable. He was just a high school kid, who made some very good American friends there and it made a strong impression on him as to what America can be. Some of the real pleasure of being here is getting to know the Mexican people and learning a bit more about their lives and their families. Because business is very slow now, they seem to have a good deal of time to share.
One the way back from the beach, we stopped into a little place called Mikie's. This is a Gringo delicatessan that opened a couple of seasons ago. It is a little gold mine, just filled with all the odd American delicacies that you can't track down in the Mexican grocery store. Exotic offerings like cocktail sauce, dijon mustard, capers, salami, etc. They also do some salads and dips that are quite good. We had decided to have both lunch and dinner in and indulged ourselves with several samplings. I was a good thing we did.
We got back to the apartment about 2 in the afternoon, having a requisite margarita to fortify us for our climb up the hill. That was the last time we would leave the apartment for the day. Following our siesta, about 5 in the afternoon, a thunder storm opened and we were trapped! It was amazing. There were not great flashes of lighting, but there was ample thunder and a positve deluge for the next 5 hours. I would guess that at least 5 gully-washers came through, about 1 an hour. It would rain harder for 10 minutes or so and then as if someone turning the faucet up a notch, it got harder. There is a gardner's shed in the yard next to us. It has a metal roof. As the storm increased, the volume grew to match. It was incredible. PV has been cut out of a jungle and the rain reminded us that we are still just at the edge. I am sorry that the major part of the storm happened after dark, so we could on get an audible sense of the intensity. But it was definitely not an Oregon rain! Hopefully tomorrow we will allowed to venture farther.
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