Monday, November 4, 2013

The Living Dead

One and all,

Well El Día de Los Muertos has come and gone and I must admit, that for us, there was little visible celebration apart from the shrines that were scattered about the town. I will admit that we tend to "die" earlier than most, so there may have been late night activities that we missed. With sunset now arriving about 6:30 in the evening, we find that by 9 we are ready to trudge up the hill to our humble, but airy abode.

I did manage to capture these little goblins on Saturday evening,

They were fluttering up and down the Malécon with their parents trying to keep up. The mothers were nice enough to let me capture the group. Very cute!

The days here have been very hot. The humidity continues to recede, now it is just hot. Yesterday we were at the beach and it was an intense 90-degrees. Taking the sun ("Tomar del Sol") comes in very small doses and one never strays further than 10 feet from one's Corona! That was pretty much the weekend. Some sun, a siesta and retiring to Roberto's for a half bottle of vino.

Last night, Sunday evening is normally our night at Vitea. We had enjoyed a substantial lunch of Shrimp Ceviche in the apartment adn by the time we went down for sunset, realized that we were still not hungry. It was a disappointing sunset, but we managed to drown our sorrows in a bottle of wine, cancelling our reservation at Vitea and just sitting and watching the activity on the Malécon.

We had promised our musician friends that we would let them seranade us at Vitea and, of course, when we weren't there, they came looking for us. We allowed them to entertain us with a couple of songs, one happy and the other romantico.

Our befriending of various musicians has become a rather expensive proposition. At this point I am supporting strolling two trios and a mirimba player. "Familiarity breeds increased tipping!"

That really is it for now. We are in our final two weeks and we are simply trying to soak up the sun and the atmosphere. It truly is relaxing and we don't want to make any effort to disturb that devine state!


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