Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Parade of Home!

One and all,

As I have been promising for two years, today we will take a tour of our humble domicile. As we keep telling people, including a table of 10 off a cruise ship yesterday, it is not for everyone, but it is ours. The place is really just a relatively large (compared to the mousehole we lived in last year) studio. But there is certainly an open, somewhat spacious feeling. It starts in the main room

As I have mentioned, it is completely open to the air

with a very nice view to the south, and if one leans a bit, you can see the ocean. Most nights, when it is very still you can hear the sea as well. The bed sits next to a wall that separates the living space from the kitchen

Beyond that is the kitchen, with another large table, which we don't need or use very much, but our landlord seems to insist that we have it.

There is s two-burner stove, a microwave

along with a very nice refrigerator

Closets, as you can see, are really quite open, closed off simply by curtains. There is a sink in the kitchen for the dishes, but the sink is so small and the water pressure so awful, that we move that daily ritual to the shower.

It is very efficient, getting all the requisite cleaning done at one time. Actually, the bathroom, except for the lighting, which allows you to see only one side of your face, is not bad.

As you can see, privacy is a bit limited!

with the brick-colored wall separating the sink from the shower.

So, that's it. We make it work and, in fact, are very comfortable in it. It is perfect for the two of us, and as we walk along through the neighborhood, feel that we are living as so many of the Mexicans live. It has also been fun to figure out how to make some of the challenges work. Polley and I, after years in Scottish stone cottages, a small converted goat stable, a variety of accommodations in PV, believe that you can drop us down anywhere and we will make it work.

Last note, was that last night we spent the evening hours at Roberto's on the Malécon and saw another spectacular sunset, which I know some of our readers enjoy.

The Good Life continues.


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