Dear Friends and Family,
It is "El ultimo dia"! The last day before we catch a United flight and spend way to much time in the Houston Airport before arriving home tomorrow at about midnight. Thanks to my brother in advance for picking us up. It has been a very nice last three months, but we are truly ready to come home, despite advanced reports of rain and much colder temperatures. Dorothy was right, "There's no place like home."
There has been little drama in the last days of our stay. I did get out walking on the Malécon each morning, opting to put aside the headphones, and the music, and the French lessons (our next sojourn) and just enjoy each and every morning for what it was. I really love walking through various cities and villages and watch them come alive in the morning. Friday, as I headed for a trip around the pier, I caught some dolphins swimming very close.
Trying to catch dolphins on film is a bit like herding cats. You just keep clicking and hope you get lucky. I did manage to preserve a couple of glimpses
It is quite a place
This was the only way we were going to see the place, as rooms go for $400 to about $900 a night! However, that does include a resident cat
It seems to feature every convenience, including the relaxing infinity hot tub
No a bad place to settle back after a hard day of drinking margaritas. While Thursday evening was crowded and we were not able to hear as well as on our first visit, we enjoyed the father and son musical duo for a second time
Last night we joined my brother and his wife (they head home today) to inspect a condominium that they are flirting with. It is very nice and has a spectacular view
It was another perfect evening in PV and this condo has a 180-degree view of BAnderas Bay
If I have to leave you with a lasting impression of this three month holiday, it would, naturally, be a sunset.
As the sun sets on this year's visit to PV, Polley and I wish to thank all of you for following along and for your thoughtful and sometimes wise-ass comments. While traveling is great fun, it is nice to know there are good friends and family waiting back home. See all of you soon.
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