Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Settling In

Dear Friends and Family,


For those of you who have followed these blogs previously, you know the routine. Now we discuss "settling in." It is happening, even as we speak! "Settling in" addresses issues of unpacking, rearranging and stocking up. It also refers to getting into a routine. Obviously, we have not. That is why the Blog is late.

It has been a busy weekend, in fact, now that I think about it, today marks a week since we left Portland. It has flown by and I actually have little report.

Friday evening, our first full day at Poujoulou (the name of hostess’s little 12 acre French estate.) We arrived around noon and Ann, our hostess, was actually taking former guests to the airport in Toulouse. Ann arrived back about 6 and provided dinner for Polley and I, plus two lovely people, Mario and Carine, who are from Belgium. The amazing thing is their last name is nearly the same as ours: we are Bowen; they are Bauwens, pronounced exactly the same, but with the added "s." They are great people and, of course, are fluent in English. We had met them 4 years ago and it was so nice to see them again. They are serious bicyclers, but Carine had a bike accident in July and broke her shoulder. So, like these Bowens, theirs is a bit of a different vacation this year.

Friday we also did a bit of grocery shopping with the intent of going back again on Sunday. We did and it was a madhouse. The phrase "Never on Sunday" took on new meaning. We have now been told that lunch time on weekdays is best. Now we know.

Saturday night we visited the old wine bar, The Astrolab, that was a popular spot with us when we were here two years ago. We met a very nice English couple that live in the area, Chris and Edwina. Talk about world travelers, they have been everywhere: Borneo, Oman (their favorite) and they own a sailboat, docked in Marseilles! We were obviously in a different class. It was a lovely evening.

The weather has been variable, at best. While dining in the carriage house of the main house on Friday (area located to left of main living quarters)

we were treated to a most magnificent thunderstorm. Saturday night at the Astrolab, the weather was lovely. Sunday continued relatively pleasant, and Monday night was nearly perfect. Mario and Carine had us to dinner that night. He is quite the cook. We had a delicious breast of duck in a pepper sauce, with courgettes and perfectly roasted potatoes. Excellent wine accompanied every course. Mario is a bit of a perfectionist and I think he achieved his standards on Monday evening.

Tuesday is open market day in Puy L’Eveque, so we were there. Polley may have pushed herself a bit, as with the "Bonne Fête" underway, parking was a disaster. She did make it, however, and got around to all the vendors. It did take its toll however and we did little other than eat on Tuesday evening. So far the primary regret is my fogetting to take photos. They will be coming shortly.



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