Dear Family and Friends,
Life must be picking up as I am writing you a bit more frequently. Actually, if it is picking up, it is very subtle. We have pretty much settled into a routine and seem to have settled into our new house as well. I always get a sense of that when I can move about the place freely, in the dark, and also know where all the light switches are, in the dark.
The weather here continued to be very pleasant. which is a bit of a surprise. Nearly everyone we know makes a point of getting out of here by April 1st, or the 15th at the latest. Having never been down here this late, we just naturally assumed that heat and humidity would be the culprit driving all away. At least this year, it has been very comfortable and even a bit disappointing in terms of sunshine. There have lots of clouds and some mornings we have hardly seen the sun at all. I think the purchase of our lounge chairs was a kind of meteorlogical curse! However, sitting in the courtyard in the direct sunlight, is pretty punishing, some we are not really complaining.
Our live-in cat has been enjoying the weather. While she still has periods of claustrophobia, having always had the run of her place, she too has seemed to settle in. We secured the two front windows to our place with chicken wire and it is now a favorite place of hers to relax and keep an eye on the neighborhood
You might also notice our lovely orchids. I would like to take credit, but they were blooming when we arrived.
Each evening has taken us down to the Malécon for some refreshment and, if we are lucky, a sunset. Last night was particularly good and made even more striking by the presence of the pirate ship, quite close to shore.
Dramatic clouds, but also a nice clear horizon with just a thin bank of clouds to provide a bit of definition.
Sitting for 90 minutes or so each evening is our bit of entertainment. The crowds, which are thin (the crowds are thin, not necessarily the individuals) and, at this time of year, nearly all Mexican. As we sit at Roberto's, we are often the only Gringos in the place. One of the fun things to watch for, are the young Mexican entrepreneurs who find new ways to make a peso. The latest idea is this pair of "banditos." They have dressed themselves to match a statue that sits in a tourist shop.
They have done quite a good job of matching the finish on the stationary hombre. They have been very successful providing photo opportunities for the passing tourists. Capitalism is alive and well here in PV
So, that is the latest. Not a lot new, but we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves and now are looking forward to our first true Mexican Cinco de Mayo. Coming soon.
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