Friday, January 4, 2008

The Adventure Continues

The adventure continues. Progress is made daily. However, today was a big leap forward as we went to “WAL-MART.” Hard to believe that we would find ourselves daring the challenges of Mexican public transportation, but we did. We weren’t quite sure where to catch the bus. In many places bus stops aren’t marked. You just look for a large group of people standing in a particular place and join them. The first time we did it, we found ourselves delivered to the middle of an orchard to pick oranges, but eventually we got the hang of it! For 5 pesos (about 50 cents), you just jump on. The individual busses are even marked with notable landmarks of the city: zona romantica, el centro commercial, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, etc. You just hop on the one going to you destination. After 20 minutes or so, we found a place to jump off. It was one stop further than we should had, but we were so attached to petting the goat that we got distracted. Anyway, after dashing across a major highway we got to a shopping center that featured both Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart. We knew we were getting close as the landscape began to change and you went from low, brightly painted stucco buildings that said, “La Tienda de Ropa,” and “Comida de Mexicana,” to those that said, “Hooters,” “Chili’s” and “Starbucks.” We knew we were close to home! See photo of Polley’s historical entrance to Wal-Mart!

We must have wandered in Wal-Mart for more than an hour, not because it was very different from every other Wal-Mart I had ever been in, but because the names of products, the descriptions, everything, were all in this other language! It never dawned on me. Eventually we gathered together a combination of things we had simply forgotten at home (we are making copious notes of what to take next time), and those things that would help make our humble abode a bit more comfy (wine glasses, of course, a peeler, and toilet paper made from other than old magazines!).

Then, the trick was getting back home. Getting on the bus was determined by looking for another large group of people gathered together. Again, the first group we joined, we simply waiting for the stop light and trying to get across the major highway into old PV. The second group was, in fact, those waiting for the bus back downtown. We jumped on, paid our money, but then were not sure where to get off. We got into town, near a place we recognized and jumped off. I am sure we can get closer, but that will come with time. We trudged back up our hill. I am going to do a photo series that will take you up the climb to our apartment. I do know that at the last you climb 45 steps to our gate. Once inside, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, we have another “39 Steps” to the landing of our apartment.

Of course, after the Wal-Mart adventure, what else in the day could seem significant. We went back down to the gay beach as most of the boys would be very hurt if we didn’t appear at least once a day. As token heterosexuals, we have certain obligations. We thought we were going to meet Eric there so that we could plan to have dinner with him that evening, but never did find him or any of his friends. So, we lounged about, played in the ocean, had a margarita, Polley had a fling with a straight pirate (see photo), and then retired to our place a little lunch, reading, and then did the siesta things (required by Mexican law). Also Poilley wanted me to give you a little sense of view from our place and the glorious Ginko Tree (see photos) or some other species.

Later in the early evening, we walked back to the Gay Beach to see if we could locate Eric. Alas, no, so we were forced to fend for ourselves. We strolled the beach, avoiding the restaurants we had already eliminated and stopped for a glass of wine at Època. They had a nice little bar that sits right on the beach. The wine was quite good, so we stayed and had a light supper of Tortilla Soup and a Caesar Salad with some fat, tender, delicious shrimp. Very nice waitress/bartender. Pleasant evening that just begin to cool off as we get up to wall home. Back to our room(s) for a last drink, more reading and lights off. With business done, our hope is to begin to establish a real routine in the next few days.

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