It has been a busy last week in Guadalajara and today is our LAST day. So as we bid adieu to GDL, I wanted to bring you up to date on our closing festivities.
Monday we just wandered around the town, stopping into the cemetary just down the street. It is quite wonderful, but had been allowed to deteriorate over the years. Happily they are in the process of restoring it,

but it did limit our access to graves dating back as far as the 18th century. The rest of the day was spent by the pool and just enjoying the ever warmer weather.
Tuesday we were set to go to the zoo, but at the last minute found it was closed Monday and Tuesday. So we quickly changed plans and headed out to the charming art community of Tlaquepaque. It is about 30 minutes from downtown depending on traffic, which is quite often horrible in GDL. We strolled about the shops; it is really a town for serious shoppers, but so much of the stuff is huge, it seems largely devoted to those who have homes in the area and are looking to furnish them in the Mexican style.
We strolled by the primary church.

And then stepped inside.

We stopped here and there for a drink and had a wonderful lunch at a place called El Adobe. I had a terrific shrimp dish in roquefort and Polley had a very nice sopa di champiñones.
While sitting there we enjoyed the music of an all female mariachi band.

More of the same and then came back home late in the afternoon for a swim and a light supper.
Wednesday was another relaxing day before we finally set out for the zoo on Thursday. The Guadalajara Zoological is perhaps the best zoo I have ever been to.
We entered and descended a dramatic set of steps with Polley leading a host of monkeys.

After catching the Zoo train we stopped at a unique Safari ride where you are loaded into a big truck and driven out among the animals as if on a safari. The highlight of the journey is the feeding of the giraffe.

We are given carrots and eucalyptus leaves and the gentle giraffe is very pleased.
Part of what I so enjoyed about this zoo was the variety

Look closely and you can see the feet of the baby poking out of the pouch of this kangeroo.

There is an aquarium, a wonderful collection of cats

I was taken with how at home and seemingly contented the animals were.

A very different atmosphere from that of the Portland Zoo, or perhaps we just caught them on a good day
It was a late afternoon return to the hotelito. It was a very special night as we were having a catered dinner for all of the guests of the hotel who basically had been together the whole month. It was wonderful. While this was not the vacation we had planned for GDL, it turned out to be a very specdial group of people who all got along swimmingly (in the pool as well). We ate and drank and toured together. We felt very luck. But Steve and Ursula Himel were leaving with their two daughters Friday morning, so we had to party our last time together.
Polley helped people look their best for the festivities

I caught Rebecca, Ursula and Gary snuggled on the sofa

One to join us was a worker at the place, Omar. A charming young man who was most helpful, having a good deal of English.

Following the cocktail hour, we adjourned to the cafe for our dinner of Mexican Rice and the best Mole I have ever had. Super Ricco!

There was, of course, more drinking following dinner. Polley and I got up early the next morning to bid the Himels good-bye. It is already too quiet with the two girls headed back to Toronto.
Last night, we returned to a true Mexican cantina, La Fuente and it was one of the wildest nights I have ever been blessed to be a part of. This huge concrete hall was packed with Mexicans, drinking and singing to the live music. Gary, Polley and I were the only gringos in the place. It was great fun.

It was one fellow's birthday and his friends had hired an additional small Mariachi band to celebrate. More singing, dancing and drinking

I did manage to catch Gary and Polley sharing an ear-splitting moment

We then went on to dinner at Recco, the Italian restaurant we had enjoyed earlier in our stay. Catching a cab back to the Plaza, we strolled back to the hotel, passing a dance demonstration program in the process

Feeling moved to dance, I then proceeded to talk my way into a Mexican swing dance ballroom for one turn with Polley

Again, the only Gringos in the place,but the Mexicans seem genuinely pleased that we were sharing the floor with them. Sorry we hadn't ventured in earlier in the month
This morning, our last, I did the requisite walk before returning to get Polley, along with Gary and Rebecca and go to brunch at San Miguel.

It has been a great month here, made even better by the dear friends with whom we became very close. While we are ready to get home for a month, this part of our Mexican experience will not be soon forgotten.
Our best to all the faithful followers. Hope to share more in person in March.
Ed and Polley