In case you think our Mexican bus plummeted into a deep ravine and we were never to be heard from again – Fear Not! – We are in Guadalajara. The “Settling In” – you remember that from our first few days in PV – took a bit longer than expected. More on that later.
Our last couple of days in PV consisted of getting to the beach, cleaning up out place, having two very nice dinners out and saying good-bye to friends. That was the hardest part. In doing our errands, we did wander by this amazing built in model Mexican kitchen. Very 70s, don't you think.

We also convinced one of our favorite waiters to allow us to capture a picture. He is this adorable 15-year old waiter, Diego, who dreams of visiting Paris. He was at La Fuente del Puente, one of our regular watering holes.

Saturday night we went to Vitea and then stopped one last time for a drink at Candela. We managed to get the whole crew together for this shot. They seemed thrilled.

Polley has a real good shiner from her Friday night fall. It is so black and blue that she won’t let me photograph it anymore! It’s a beauty.
One sad part of saying good-bye to friends, was that we failed to find our Scots musician friend to wish adieu until next year. We wandered down to La Palapa twice on Friday and Saturday but he was not to be found. I did get this shot of the Malécon at night.

And as we strolled farther along, caught a couple of mariachi groups playing at the Rio Cuale as part of the Cultural Festival of Movement (my best translation). One group was all male

The other, all female.

I also caught a few more fireworks that evening.

Sunday morning, our landlord, Fred, took us to the bus station. I will stop here and give you more details on the trip and our arrival at Guadalajara in the next chapter.
Ed and Polley
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