I must confess that Polley and I are struggling to find a rhythm to our days here in Guadalajara. Getting time to exercise, make a blog entry, get e-mails read and written all is more difficult here. We don’t have our own internet connection, we share a kitchen and then there is the fact that get to either convenience you run into other guests, creates distractions. You go and get a cup of coffee and 45 minutes later you return after a prolonged conversation. We generally enjoy the other guests, but we are not as free to operate on our own. That is why you have not heard from us lately.
However, having said that, we are enjoying ourselves. Last Thursday night we got together with two other guests, Rebecca and Gary, and took a cab to a town called Zapopan. It is a suburb that has been swallowed up by Guadalajara. We went to see our friend from PV who owns Candela, our favorite watering whole.
Before wandering about to locate the restaurant/bar, we did take in the Basilica of Zapopan.

There was a service going on, so we could only take pictures from the outside. As you can see it is quite spectacular.

We then, we a few “donde es” (where is . . .) we found Candela. It has the same feel as the one in PV, but is not as open to the sky as our regular place. We quickly met Francisco and his partner, Alejandra, who very quickly made us feel at home.

Alejandra got a picture of Polley, Francisco and me, as well

Drinks were ordered and they sat with us for an hour or so and lavished us with appetizers: their now famous Jocoque Candela dip, a wonderful beet and goat cheese offering, and some grilled mushrooms. It was great . Photos were exchanged and we made plans for meeting tonight, Monday, February 9th for a night out together. They are truly great fun.
This past Saturday we went to a church, del Carmen where there is one wedding after another.

People just sit at a café with a beer and watch brides and wedding parties come and go. Got a few pictures.

Since I am traveling with a costumer, I had to get some detail on the dress

Polley loved this of the little girls and their intricately woven hair.

Later than night, we were at another spot in Guadalajara and caught another wedding

Will report more on this come the weekend. Polley and I are headed for San Miguel de Allende to visit Mirl and Carolyn Gratton, who we visited last year and who build a house there. Return on Friday, February 13th, gearing up for Polley 72nd year celebration. More on that trip next weekend.
Ed and Polley
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