This will be a very brief report as today is a big day. Last night we met with an Italian film director who is doing a one hour film on this area and in terms of accommodations he is featuring Ingrid's. So this afternoon he will begin filming and the typical tourist coming to the Bungalows will be Polley and Me. Ingrid and Yorgos have been working for days, adding lighting, cleaning the already clean grounds (owned by a German you know) and generally running in every direction. Following the filming they are planning a big, Greek barbecue. More on that later.
For now, I will just catch you up on yesterday and show a feel more flowers from my morning walks. Yesterday, after the morning walk to Tolo, Polley and I got the assignment for providing a salad for the feast. We decided to try and make a Caesar Salad in Greece! So the morning was mostly taken up with running from one village to the other looking for Greek delicacies, like rosemary, sage, dry mustard, anchovy paste, etc. Took a couple of hours, but we found it all! Well, truthfully, we found versions of all. Anchovy paste is not here, but anchovies we have. There will, no doubt, be some fiddling. More on the results tomorrow.
Following the great grocery race, Polley and I relaxed in Drepano. We, again, watched village life pass by. We returned home for lunch, just in time, as a big rain storm hit, dropping some of the biggest drops I haven't ever seen. It dropped a lot of water, but passed very quickly.
The evening cleared and we took an early dinner at Kastraki. We have nearly narrowed ourselves down to two tavernas, Kastraki and Nikos. Friday night will be the barbecue, but I trust we will be back at Niko's on Saturday. Food is excellent, both has a really nice staff and it is so reasonable. At Kastraki, last night, we had a fish roe dip, called tamarasalata: salty, but very good. We had fried anchovies and moussaka. This moussaka was even better than that we had enjoyed at Niko's.
It was back to Ingrid's following dinner to meet the director and get our instructions. He was hosted by a Swiss woman who lives here part of the year and speaks 6 languages! Amazing! Anyway, any time you add Italians to the mix, it is going to be loud and active. Great fun. God knows what this evening will bring. More on that later.
Her are a few more signs of spring in Greece. Enjoy!
Ed and Polley
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