Well, another couple of days have slipped by since I last made contact. And in another two days, we will be leaving Ingrid’s and heading for Crete. We are looking forward to that adventure, but are also sad to leave Yorgos and Ingrid. This has been a lovely stay and we have met a number of nice people that we certainly hope to see again.
The weekend got underway with a birthday party for the little boy, also a George (Yorgos) of Frank and Irena.
This is a German family that own an apartment about half a mile from Ingrid’s. Another couple that stayed at Ingrid’s and then liked the area so much that they bought a place here. Although, they have been having problems with one of their association owners and are now thinking of selling. Anyway, we had such a nice time at the party, with a cake and fruit and lots to drink, that we neglected to ever get to dinner. We had this plan with 6 days left to eat at our three favorite restaurants twice each before leaving. Now we will have to sneak in a lunch at one of the places.
Saturday was a nice day and we walked about the beach, got a good deal of reading in and then went to Ilias’ taverna in Tolo. This is the place we had the dinner with the Italian film director (who has recovered and is heading back to Italy) and others. The food we had on the two previous occasions was wonderful. So we thought we’d try it on our own. It was very good. We had a big chunk of feta, some tomato and courgette balls that were very good along with a Greek salad.
While there we struck up a conversation with a young Irish couple that had just been married. Both work in bars in Dublin. Very sweet and quite funny, as the Irish often are. As a wedding gift, we decided to buy there dinner. They were very surprised and it was fun to see the expression on their faces when they realized it..
Sunday was a strange day. It started out beautiful, but apparently in the afternoon we had another terrific thunderstorm. I say apparently because in my drunkern stupor on Friday (at the birthday party) I had volunteered to drive Frank, Irena and their son to the airport in Athens! So, that was my afternoon. Two hours there and two hours back – at 8.57 a gallon! It was really bad and I had a nice chance to get to know them a bit better (Polley had to stay at home because our little car could not fit 5 plus luggage –She cleaned the apartment!). By the time I got back, about 6 in the evening, it was time for a drink, and dinner. We need to be back by 9 to meet Petros, the artist that has been around Ingrid’s during our stay. He showed us some of his work. He gave us a piece as a gift and we bought two others. Then we crashed. Extended driving in Greece can take it out of you.
Monday was a pretty easy time. Morning weather was great. Good walk to Drepano and back for some coffee and a trip in Tolo for the last laundry before heading to Crete. Polley and I walked to the Plaka Beach for a glass of wine. It was lovely when we sat down, but as is our custom, we can bring rain to the Saharah, it stated to rain. We waited for a slight break and ran home for lunch and siesta. That evening we enjoyed our last meal at Niko’s. Had some wonderful stuffed zucchini, his corgettes and, of course, his tzatziki. Wonderful food and a very nice man. We promised to see him again. However, after the drinking t Ingrid’s in the early evening and that at Niko’s, it was home for bed.
Of course, getting into bed is increasingly difficult. Last night it was 6 cats on the bed,
this one, snuggling up close
and the newest kitten through the glass
They are great fun and we will miss them.
We head for Crete on Wednesday and will try to stay with the blog, but it will need to be done from an internet café and may be a little more sporadic. Best to all.
Ed and Polley
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