It was the day of the night of the “Big Fat Greek Party!” This promised to be a day to remember and I think it lived up to its billing.
I did a nice Drepano walk in the morning, but that was the last time we were leaving the grounds all day! Polley and I had committed to making a Caesar Salad and had trolled the two villages for all of the exotic ingredients. Polley spent the morning cleaning Romaine lettuce, as you don’t get nice pre-washed Hearts of Romaine here in Greece. So it was cleaning, and separating leaves and then cutting it all up. I did the dressing which was somewhat of a challenge. Fortunately, Ingrid had a blender and we able to get our part ready.
We gabbed a bit of lunch and a very short siesta as an Italian film director, Ennio Peregalli, was coming to shoot a short segment about Ingrid’s and Polley and I were to be “the arriving tourists.” Ennio had no English so we were introduced to a Swiss woman, Martha, who served as the organizer and translator. Both of them are pictured here, with Ennio taking a picture of me taking his picture.
For the next two and a half hours we filmed segments. First driving down the road and stopping to explore a map; then, we drive along and discover a sign for Ingrid’s; next we are captured on film turning into Ingrid’s. Then, we arrive, greeted by Ingrid, shown to one of the bungalows and finally, Yorgos is shot carrying my suitcase to the room! It is interesting that in the 15 years we have been coming here, Yorgos never once has carried my bag! It was fun and apparently we were “like professionals,” according to Ennio. All was done in one take. It is to be part of an hour-long film on this particular region of the Peleponnese. Our section will also be available on Ingrid’s website by the middle of July. “Coming soon to a computer near you!”
That evening, the party began. It was what I later referred to as “the Big Fat Greek Party.” Ingrid and Yorgos had been setting up for two days. They borrowed an assortment of grills and prepared salads and appetizers.
The fridge had been filled and even musicians were expected. It started about 8 in the evening as we walked in with the barbecues fired up.
It was an amazing collection of people. There were Germans, Italians, Swiss and Americans.
I managed to pick up this lovely lady at the bar.
I also got a picture of Yorgos and his father
About 10 pm, the musicians arrived and then the fun really began.
As we finished up eating, the Greeks began to dance. Yorgos on his own at first and then in groups, both the older and the young. I hope these little video segments give you a sense of the atmosphere. It was a wonderful experience. Great people, great food, a very special event. Around 12:30 in the morning, Polley and I gave up, but things continued, so we are told until about 2. The day after, coming soon.
Ed and Polley
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