We are bidding you adieu from Puerto Vallarta, as today is our last day. Tomorrow we catch a morning bus for Guadalajara and our new digs! Actually, they are going to be fancier than we could possibly have imagined (or afforded). The place we had reserved, for some reason is now not available. So they moved us to another location with a pool and beautiful gardens, still not far from the central part of town. More on that when we arrive.
Thursday and Friday were our last kind of typical days. We were up fairly early on thursday. We were having coffee and sweets with the Heplers, Tom and Eileen, the people we met on our lunch journey to Moro Paradise. They have this wonderful terrace adn the place was to have a continental breakfast on the terrace. I stopped and got some wonderful pastries at a little French bakery not far from us (felt like was in Madrona Hill with Natasha!). We walked up to their place (someone described Puerto Vallarta as a sort of eternal "stairstepper") and I do mean up. A very good climb, but a wonderful view. Had a delightful morning with them and they are sure to be on our list for next year. I got a last photo before saying goodbye.

They also spend part of the year, near Atlanta, so if we find ourselves returning to Georgia for a visit (which we hope to do in the fall), we might see their new home.
Polley luxuriated with a pedicure that afternoon. On our way down to the beauty shop, I did get these shots of some the wonderful vegetation in town.

She spend the next hour in the pedicure. When she came out, she wanted another 20-30 minutes sitting and letting her nails dry. So we stopped into a place called Harry's Bar. It is just a basic bar owned by a British fellow. When we walked in and sat down, the guy behind the bar came over to ask us what we wanted. I said we would like a couple of margaritas. He sort of hesitated and then told us, "I don't really do margaritas." I was a bit aghast, being it is Mexico and all. He then said, "Actually, I'm the painter!" It was very funny! While I thought he was painting the walls, it turned our he was an artist and his work was handing on the walls. Also turned out he was from Scotland, so we had a lovely conversation with him and got his picture.

So, we had a beer and then moved on home. That evening we had a lovely dinner at the Hacienda Hxchoitl that we had visited a week before. This time it was with Pat and George and a fellow they had met, Tom, from Minneapolis. Lovely time, good conversation and very good food. Polley had the lettuce soup this time and I had a Chile Azteca. Unfortunately, I got so caught up in the food and festivities, I neglected to take even one photo!
Friday was beach day. Saw the fellow, Tom, that we had met the evening before and had another nice conversation with him before returning home, via La Fuente del Puente. That evening it was off to Daquari Dick's which has a very lovely setting right on the beach. However, a little drama happened as we headed to dinner. As we crossed the street to take the Rio Cuale park walk to the Malécon, Polley got taken with a very tiny kitten. As she played with the little devil, he got between her legs and she lost her balance, eventually smacking her head against the pavement! While she maintained it didn't hurt, she quickly had a severe bruise. We iced it as the restaurant and the put some peroxide on it, but it was not pretty.
We did have a nice dinner with a wonderful appetizer. It was a bruschetta with avacado, capers, red onion with some feta one top. I am sure you all will be sampling it our house when we return.
A quick stop at Candela, for the next to the last time and then home to call Sam for a report on the house and the cats. and then to bed.
I did capture the full effect of Polley accident in the morning light

Stay tuned for "Healing in Guadalajara!
Ed and Polley