My brief intestinal bout slowed us down a bit yesterday. However, more than that, was the fact that we were scheduled to have a drink with former UP Business School Professor, Neal Higgins and his wife and didn't want to be too full (or drunk) before that began. So after the morning walk, the requisite blog blather, delivering our week-old dirty clothes to the laundry, some e-mails and some straightening up of our abode (it was the day the maid was coming and we wanted have the place clean for her! -- This is Polley's logic), we strolled very leisurely down to the Malécon. It was a busy day.

The word on the street was that 3! cruise ships were in. big day for the economy, but a favorite time to be a semi-resident.
Walked down to our little Cuban place and had a beer (2 x 1 there) and sat and watched the world pass by. Mostly watched tour ship people make the most of their 6 hours or so. In anticipation of the visit with the Higgins, we thought we should have a little something to eat, so we strolled to another favorite place on the Malécon, Las Palomas (The Doves or The Pigeons). We ordered a drink and some guacamole.

The restaurant, living up to its name, soon brought us a visitor, who made himself (herself) at home. He feasted on chips, dipped into the salsa, eventually we could spot him as he was the one with guacamole on his beak!

Next time I will be sure to ask for table for three!
We returned home for a very brief nap and then headed down to the Higgins' beach side condo that they rent each year. Very nice place. The weather was a bit breezey and cool so we just sat on their patio and had a lovely time catching up, as we had not seen them since last February (except for the occasional run-in at the Beaverton Farmer's market). A very nice visit, with a couple glasses of wine and a promise to do dinner before we leave at the end of the month.

We headed back up the hill, tried to pick up the laundry, but it hadn't been properly wrapped in plastic, so we took a little wine break at the bottom of the hill before heading home for a quiet night in with a few snacks, and good books, resting up to hit the beach tomorrow.
Ed and Polley
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