Really little to report today. We awoke to a breezey morning and even as we made our way to beach after the morning rituals, it was still quite windy. I found that I needed direct sun when I cam out of the water. Really just relaxed and read at the beach. Did manage our requisite two margaritas (they are so good, I wish I could send on to each of you), but it was really a day where I felt that we had settled into the routine and all need to accomplish much of anything had faded away. For Polley and me, that is a big step.
We came home to "rest" and have a little lunch. Did some more reading. I am slowly getting through the complete Don Quixote in preparation for seeing an adaptation in Ashland this summer. It is slow going and I keep wondering how Cervantes will keep this going for 890 pages. Most all I know of Don Quixote (mostly from the musical, Man of La Mancha) has already happened in the first 100 pages. I will push on, with a couple of chapters a day.
We decided to get out early for dinner last night, as it was our first night to call home and check in with our house sitter, at about 9:30-10:00 in the evening our time. We did a little pre-func at the cafe at the bottom of the hill. We have been going there since the night we secured our place to rent, over two years ago. They just know that we want "dos vinos blancos" as we walk in. Very nice people and this wonderful waiter, our amigo, José, did consent to having his picture taken with Polley (no a too onerous task).

Very nice guy with enought English to put up with and help me with my Spanish.
We then strolled over the a place called Joe Jack's Fish Shack. I had a strong hankering for tacos and we had tried this place a year ago and liked it. We had a bit of a wait, but eventually got a nice table upstairs on the terrace. We sat next to a nice couple from Kansas City and had quite an extended chat with them. We exchanged e-mails and they gave us some tips on restaurants and beaches and we put them on to our favorite bakery. Hope to see them again before we leave town.
Anyway, we had to leave as the time got away from us. Hurried up the hill to call home. All seems well although I guess Oregon and Washington have been pounded with rain. So sorry to have missed it. Things seems to so consistently boring here! More later.
Ed and Polley
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