Little to report today except we are inside a week. Sundays always seem to be lazy days and given our day-to-day life style, that is a little scary. Got up around 7:30 a.m. and did the exercise routines. Saw our good friend, George, on the Malécon and made plans for a final dinner with he and Pat on Thursday. Did a little e-mailing, passing along some recipes that we had cobbled together from our trying things here and then headed down to the beach. We did manage to catch this picture of a tourist at La Fuente del Puente who was very proud of his new sombrero. Can you find the tourist in this picture?

Then we traveled on. Our friends, Dan and Susan had recommended a band, Los Bambinos, who were doing a free concert that afternoon from 2-5 p.m. Apparently they are not usually seen for free, so we got there in good time and secured a table near the front and then just sat and read and drank our requisite margaritas. The concert started about 2 and we were soon joined by Fred and January, our landlord and his wife. Los Bambinos are very good. It is 5 guys, 4 mainly on guitars and a lead singer who also plays the Conga drums. They played under the Ritmos Beach palapa and offered a wide range of music, from Mexican to the Beach Boys and the Beatles.

Most of what they do sound like the original arrangements and harmonies. Very good! Fred and January stayed for about 90 minutes and then about 4, we, too, decided to call if a day.
On our walk back, we stopped at Época for a beer and then home for a little lunch. We had not eaten since dinner the night before so we were very hungry. Of course, that ruined plans for dinner! However, about 8 p.m. we decided to wander down to the Malécon. It was a mob scene as it often is on Sunday evenings. Mexicans dancing in the square and tourists and Mexican families going up one side and down the other, not to mention the eternal line of cars cruising the road in front. We settled in to a little table in the open window of the Cuban Bodeguito that we have visited quite often. Great to watch the world pass by from that vantage point. I did manage to capture the fireworks that are fired off nightly from the Pirate Ship and does a dinner cruise (I have been trying to get shot off and on since we arrived in PV.

We also tried a Mojito, a drink which was apparently invented in Cuba. It is mashed up Mint, Sugar, Rum and Water. Sort of a Cuban/Mexican Mint Julip. Quite sweet and not for us, we decided. Wa drank it down and quickly switched to beer. We did order a ceviche that was very good. It is just chopped up onion, avacado, tomato, cucumbers, cilantro and some sort of firm white fish. All of it is marinated in lime juice for 12 hours. It was delicious.
Following that pause, we ventured back out on to the Malécon. It was still lively and I got a couple of pictures, one of the Cathedral at night and the second of this Cotton Candy vendor with various brightly colored options

WE picked up a little gelato on the way back home. Arrived home about 11:30 p.m. and caught the last hour of some preposterous James Bond film. Just couldn't seem to turn it off, I am a bit embarassed to admit. A very good day.
Ed and Polley
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