First, let me apologize for letting a day go by with no news. Polley told me that on the 7th day I should rest. I would like to be able to say that we were so busy that we just didn't have time, but that, I am afraid, just ain't true! Actually, it was a very relaxed weekend. In this life style, what the hell does that mean? We just lazed through the days. The NFL Playoffs were on, so I confess to watching a bit of TV, some games in English, some in Spanish. We didn't make it to the beach either day. Saturday was just a day to sort of let ourselves avoid the direct sun and yesterday was not very nice. The cloud cover, while not real thick, just never seemed to burn off. So we read, walked about, did a little time time browsing. But really never focused our efforts in any one direction.
As I say, we did get out occasionally. Saturday morning we did catch the "Fierce Dog" napping in his brand new coat.

This funny little guy lives a few doors down from us and we always have to pass by him. He will growl a bit, bark if he is locked behind a door, but mostly just watches us very carefully with his huge ears rotating in varius directions. I often wonder if he is really a dog or just a carefully disguised satellite dish!
We wondered downtown, no really looking for anything in particular. As I may have said before, we very much enjoy the weekends and watching the Mexican families strolling the Malécon and playing at the ocean's edge. This country has some of the cutest kids in the whole world. Another delight we have discovered is watching the endless variety of tourists this town attracts. You see the very wealthy, deeply bronzed New Yorkers, the newlyweds, middle class families and those who look like they have come here to kill time until the next NASCAR race and are unhappy with their hotel because it's not as nice as their "double-wide!"
Anyway, on Saturday it was a couple of beers in the early afternoon and then back to the apartment. I did capture a photo of the bougainvilla that sits at the entrance to our place.

We then had a little lunch and some football and some reading (I have come to really love the mute button on the remote: reading and football!). Saturday night we strolled down to see if we could catch an old musician friend of ours. We couldn't, but we did discover that band from Mexico City playing one more night.

At some point in the evening, one of the band members surrendered his guitar to another man who was fabulous as well. What was so surprising was that the same instrument could sound so different in the hands of two different musicians. The younger of the two was a very aggressive virtuoso while the older man played a more classical style and his sound was much more delicate and warm. Fascinating!
It was another lovely night and I caught this photo as we strolled along the boardwalk

Sunday was almost a carbon-copy of Saturday. As I say, the weather was not as nice. We went downtown, searching for a couple of places that people had mentioned. We stopped at a little place on the beach for a beer. The cute little waiter always tells us he has had too much tequila the night before. I got him to pose for a photo. Another to add to Polley's stable of wait people

We went back home for the afternoon with the intent of having a real dinner out that evening. It had been a couple of ays since we actually dined out. We first stopped for a glass of wine at our favorite place, Vitea, which sits right on the malécon. Great people watching and, last night, a wonderful sunset

We then wandered down to a place called Época (means "season"). This place is run by a former Portland school teacher. It is a place we often stop to have a drink, but have never eaten there. The owner was sort of bugging us to try the food. We had heard good things about the tortilla soup, so that is what we first ordered. It was delicious, but it was also a meal in a dish, as if was filled with cheese, avocado, chilies and basil. Unfortunately, we also ordered a couple of appetizers: three types of chile rellenos, and something called Fish Chicharonnes, a kind of fried fish that you dipped in a chile sauce. Very good, but no room for much of either. Guess what is for lunch today. Very nice meal and I am sure we will return, but will order more wisely next time.
The sky had cleared on our walk home, but there was a kind of cloud/fog around the full moon, so I leave you with this shot, taken where the Malécon meets the Rio Cuale.

More later
Ed and Polley
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