Sorry to let a day go by with no entry. Just so busy! That is a sort of Mexican business. I know many will find it hard to believe that the day fills up, but it does.
Thursday was a beach day. That takes some organization! Anyway, it was, again, a lovely day (I hate to rub this in). Did strike up a conversation (when I say "conversation," believe me I mean it in the most limited way!) with two fellows from Italy. I heard what I thought was Italian and sure enough. They were from the Lake Como area in the north, near Switzerland. He was very pleasant, but if you were looking around to cast for Godfather IV, you might start with him. Anyway, I told him about our Lecce plans and he described the area as very beautiful and as we left the beach (not before draining our two margaritas) he wished us the best on our travels. It was a little further confirmation of our plans for April and May.
As we headed back up the hill for lunch and a nap, we did stop at La Fuente del Puente (The Fountain by the River), our
favorite little place at the bottomof the hill. Some of the very nicest waiters. I caught them in quiet moment next to rhythm-impaired pianist

The rest of the afternoon was lazy as we napped and read. Polley finished The Monsters of Templeton and I finished The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao and dug into a big old paperback I had picked up on the street for 20 pesos: The Instance of the Fingerpost, which was abest seller in the late 90s, but is set in Restoration England and is proving intriguing.
That evening was a real treat as we returned to Vitea. I really think it is one of the best values in all of Puerto Vallarta. The food is fabulous and the prices are quite reasonable for a very nice place. This time Polley has a fabulous Pumpkin soup with shrimp and pumpkin seeds; I had a Portobello mushroom that was covered with spinach, surround by escargot and bathed in Hollandaise sauce. It was amazing. We followed that with a shared Greek salad. A wonderful evening. Strolled home by was of Cafe Candela on a warm, soothing evening.
Friday we did the unthinkable; we set the alarm! I think it is only the second time we have done it since we've been here! We were going out to breakfast with our friends, Pat and George. They were nice enough to provide transportation to a place we just love, called Lindomar. It is a time share resort south of town and it has the most glorious setting and very delicious and modestly priced breakfasts.

I do apologize for the man's but in the photo (does block a bit of the view). Polley had scrambled eggs cooked in beer with a side of cactus. I had been so hungry for refried beans and they had just the dish: Molletos Mexicanas. It is a long loaf of French bread cut in half and each side smothered in refried bean and cheese. It came with guacamole and more beans on the side. I was in Heaven! It was a glorious day and we so enjoy our conversations with both Pat and George, seen her with Polley.

And then just to confirm that I am actually on this trip, George took on of Polly and me

We decided to take it real easy for the rest of the day, partly because we were stuffed. Mostly stayed in and read, before heading out in the early evening to catch our Scottish flutest, Bobby Mujir, at La Palapa.
On our way to La Palapa, we did catch an amazing sight: a Dancing Pharmacist! This famacia mascot was just dancing away in the entry to some little pharmacy just down the hill from us. I had to capture first the logo of the famacia

and then the amazing Dancing Drug Doctor!

Then it was on to La Palapa. It is such a nice setting and for the overpriced cost of a glass of wine (but quite good wine, not always easy to obtain in Mexico), we listened to their first set and watched the waiters perform their firey magic making Spanish Coffees at various tables . Of course, as you can see, I was too cheap to have them done at OUR table!

Following a set with the musicians, we again stopped at Cafe Candela for a glass of their vino tinto del casa. It was quite crowded, but again almost all locales. A truly hidden gem of a place. Home for a little snack, some limited reading and to bed. More, hopefully, tomorrow
Ed and Polley
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