Sunday, November 10, 2013

More of the Same or What is 2 Times Nothing?

One and all,

Just sort of checking in. Very little has happened. The weather continues to improve. The nights are lovely and the days are just hot, not humid, just hot! Yesterday I got down to the beach and it was a real scorcher.

In these last days, we are trying to enjoy our favorite spots and favorite foods one last time. Polley continues her devotion to her cats. We have on that is not far from domestication. He continues to come in and eat and last night even crawled under the kitchen table and snoozed for a half hour or so. Our live-in cats, Kira and Lucie, are not real keen on him, but all seem to have reached a certain level of toleration, as this picture of Lucie might suggest.

We have been splitting our evenings between Roberto's and Langosta Loca, enjoying the sunsets at both.

This one was particularly unique, as you might notice the shadow-like vertical lines to the left of the sun; it was very unique. It is one of the reasons we make a real effort to get to the beach for the nightly display. It is not always a winner, but there are very few real disappointments.

Last night we made it to Langosta and as we talked in, just outside the tent structure that protects one from the direct sun, was a fellow slicing up a swordfish.

It was a kind of grisly scene, but I have not seen a fish that size that wasn't mounted on someone's wall. He told me that if I wanted one for my own, he had two more waiting to be gutted. I declined.

Tonight we are scheduled at Vitea and will be joined by our landlord and his partner. Should be a good time. Otherwise, we are just lazing about. Cocktails, some excellent books (I just finished "The Shining Girls," an intriguing kind of time travel/serial killer tale and Polley polished off "We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and "The Time Keeper: both winners. I am just starting Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch," a critics' rave.

We are beginning to turn our thoughts to heading home. Much of what we have her we will just store as we are back on January 2nd and from the looks of things in Oregon my swinsuit and sandals should be safe down here! More on Tuesday.


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