Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Return to PV

One and all,

For most of you who read our travel drivel, you are probably aware of our delayed excursion this year. Ed (me) was hit with a sciatic nerve/spinal stenosis probably out of the blue on December 22. We were scheduled to head to PV on January 2nd. WE delayed for a week. January 9th came, we delayed again. He continued to improve, but very slowly as he had been warned by doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists and physical therapists. So, after nearly a month, we arrived in PV this afternoon, Monday, January 16th in the hopes that sunshine and warm weather will do as much as the prednisone and ibuprofen. We will see. I still have issues and they may continue for the next 10 weeks that we are here. Standing for a sustained period of time (more than 2 minutes) is very painful and extensive walking is difficult. We are just going to have to feel our way. But we are back in our same apartment from last year and while Polley is busy unpacking (she has been a saint, putting up with an essentially worthless husband for the last 4 weeks), I am just letting friends and family know that we are here and the travels went smoothly. I recommend wheelchair assistance for all travel! We were whisked around the airport, rushed through passport control and taken directly to our waiting vehicle. Our landlord was kind enough to meet us at the airport. However, the day has taken its toll, so I am just stopping here, with more to follow on our time here and my recovery in the days to come.

Ed and Pollety

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