Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mexican Mother Nature: Virgin and Whore

One and all,

Last night was, I believe, the lovliest evening we have had so far. We sat at Roberto's and despite the lack of a true sunset (it was overcast all day - I didn't say the "loveliest day"!), the evening was just delightful. It was February suddenly at the end of October. What a difference 24 hours can make.

Tuesday evening we were in the same location - same cafe and same table, but from the very beginning of our visit there were distant rumblings. About an hour into our evening, it hit, with a vengeance and customers ran for cover, some without even paying!

People scurrying everywhere as the lightening lit the sky around us.

But, as people can always seem to find a way to make the best of a bad situation, these two conjured the spirit of Gene Kelly and danced through the flood

Polley and I, along with four Italians visiting from Rome made our way to the entire of the cafe where we found ourselves trapped with an endless supply of beer and gelato!

Leave it to Italians to lead us to a stash of gelato. The waiter and waitress in Roberto's were great, as they toweled off chairs, brought us drinks (or cups of ice cream) and generally made us feel at home. Polley and I have gotten caught in one of these many years ago in Toulouse, France. The same thing occured, people got into the spirit of the night, enjoyed the comradery of the moment. After about half an hour and with the water on the Malécon up to people's shins in some places, the rain finally subsided and we made out way to the main street, and with surprising ease, caught a cab up the hill, relatively dry considering the amount of water.

Since I got the picture of the mural that our neighbor is having done, I have been a little bit more aware of ornamentation around town. This little tile collage of the sights of PV sits right across the Malécon from Roberto's

And, when I was walking Tuesday morning through what I have been calling the "Mexican Section" of town (a term I was not very comfortable with), which I now know to be El Coloso, I came across this painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a neighborhood wall

I will try and do a better job of keeping my eyes open for this additons to the scenic wonder of this place. More soon.


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