Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Death Rumor Overrated

Dear Friends and Family,

Days have gone by and nothing from me. No worries. We are well. Wall, I say that, as the dreaded cold from a couple of weeks ago has mysteriously returned. No energy at all. I have not walked and as I write this I have vowed to stay in all day and try to beat this bug.

I will also admit to a low level of inspiration. I think, as we are within a week of our journey back to Oregon, that my thoughts have turned to home. 11 weeks to sunsets, frijoles, and margaritas have just become the duties of the day. Sad, but true. Having said that, I will say that on Monday evening Polley and I witnessed one of the most amazing sunsets of our time her (perhaps all time). We had decided on a nice romantic dinner by ourselves and go to new place, Layla's, and got to our table on the upstairs terrace and suddenly, looked toward the bay to see a sky on fire

From the balcony, I took a couple of shots and then simply had to abandon Polley and go down to bay

It was spectacular and it continued to intensify

The colors deepened and the contrast of dark, reds and the light was astonishing.

As I write this, I try to imagine some ancient people seeing this display. One might contemplate the end of the world rather than just an end of the day.

As I have said before, sunsets are amazing. You get one like this one night and the next the sky is clear and the sun is just a big yellow ball

This was Tuesday. I will say that this year that have been more sailboats than any previous year. It seems, this season, that you can't take a picture of the setting sun without a sailboat insterting itself in the frame.

Other than that the days have been lovely, the skies clear and bright blue

although some are complaining of the heat and humidity. Our years in Wisconsin and Georgia allow us to dismiss such complaints, but summer is not long in coming. Speaking of the future, we did place a three month down payment on next year. We have our same place for 6 months, December - May and plan to break up our time here, coming home in March for taxes and family (perhaps, in that order!)

So, all goes well. We are off to a new place for dinner tonight with my brother and his wife. It is called Casa Isabel and we are drawn to it by a father and son who entertain there each night, with harp (the father) and guitar (the son). We heard them in the fall on the beach and were so struck with them that we promised ourselves a trip to Casa Isabel, where they play nightly. We finally got ourselves organized enough to do and I will report in a couple of days. Beyond that, it is just enjoy all we have here while we can, eat up the remainder of what in the fridge and begin to pack up. I think it is time!


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