Saturday, March 29, 2014

Turning to Thoughts of Home

Dear Friends and Family,

I write this more looking forward than looking back. We are ready for Oregon. We have looked at the weather forcasts and know the outlook is bleak, however, despite that, we are ready for home. As I have doubtless mentioned before, about two weeks out, we begin to think of things that must be done upon our return. We, of course, long to see our own cats and I am anxious to return to our kitchen and our bed. I also think some of that has been based on our really not feeling well the last couple of weeks. My cold returned and for the last couple of days, Polley has not been good at all. "We want our Mommies!" So, health issues have taken some of the bloom off the last few days.

We have been trying to get to the beach, but our regular routine has been "irregular." We did have a nice evening with my brother and his wife at a quite incredible hotel/restaurant on the hill above the bay, called Casa Isabel. It offers a spectacular view of Puerto Vallarta

Unfortunately, we did not arrive there until after sunset, so this is not a great shot. We are returning there tonight for sunset and I should be able to provide some better views of the bay. We had actually gone up there to listen to a father and son musical duet with harp and guitar.

We had met them at the beach last fall and they told us they play nightly at Casa Isabel. They were a real treat. While the old man usually plays the harp and the son on guitar and vocals (very nice tenor voice), they can switch as well. We are looking forward to hearing them again, and, perhaps, catching them in a little better light. We are going up with our friends, Art and Marilyn, from Vancouver, Washington. There are a lot of Vancouver, BC people where, but finding some people just 5 miles from us is a rare treat.

Colors continue to dazzle and brighten our somewhat unhealthy lives. Polley encouraged this shot of bouganvilla petals against the gray sidewalk

Leave it to Polley to find the vividness of life all around.

Besides the father and son duo at Casa Isabel, we continued to support the musical community at large. Over a couple of large margaritas, we enjoyed Pedro, Lorenzo and Victor

One of the real joys of this particular trip has been the connections with members of the Mexican community. We have two different groups of musicians, along with the resident marimba player, the little lady that sells me dry cat food, the old man who trims my beard, and the various waiters that we visit with on a near daily basis. They actually worry about us if we don't show up. We really treasure those connections and there seem to have been more of them this time.

And, of course, we have had some good sunsets. Not quite that one of the last blog, but nevertheless, they have been note worthy (which is defined by being willing to get up off my ass and take a picture!).

Again, it seems that the sailboats, this season, have timed their appearance with the setting of the sun

You almost think the city fathers of PV hire a boat every night for a sihouetted photo

I think, however, my favorites are the sihouettes of the pelicans against the setting sun

Those are images I will miss as we watch the sparrows and crows backed up by the gray skies at home. After nearly 12 weeks, it's amazing what you find yourself longing to experience. Home soon.


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