Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fascinating Strolls Through PV

Dear Friends and Family,

For those of you who know me (and that is all of you!), my morning walk is a very important part of my daily routine. Beside the obvious health benefits, there is almost always a practical side to it: most usually a trip to the store for more cat food. However, an added benefit is that when you get out in the morning, as PV is waking up, you find some fascinating and unexpected moments.

Yesterday, as I turned a corner on the Malécon, there was a film camera crew, setting up a drone, loaded with a camera

They were preparing for some aerial shots of the bay to be used later in a film. Of course, in true Mexican style, I never actually witnessed the thing flying. They just seemed to fiddle with it forever.

Another event from this week, that I also never saw actually get going, was the children's Celebration of Spring parade. On a very sunny morning, dozens of children and their parents lined up for this annual event

The kids were dressed as animals and insects in very bright colors

This little girl "cat" was actually on a motorized car that was preparing to lead the parade that would never start

It was lively, however, and I am sure, somewhere down the road the event actually occurred -- just not inmy lifetime.

One of the real pleasures of our months in PV is not having to drive. We walk nearly everywhere and when the journey is too far or the legs just wear out, there are city busses and bright yellow taxis. Speaking of spring and bright yellow, Polley and came back from the beach this week and looked up to see this glorious taxi-yellow tree

What a delight! I am also glad I got a picture because by yesterday the leaves were beginning to drop. It is like spring arrived, paused a moment, and moved on.

Speaking of moving on, I crossed the main plaza in Old Town yesterday, something I have done hundreds of times. Suddenly there was a new addition

This is a scupture by a Northwest artist, Jim DeMent, who also did the "Dancing Couple" and the "Washer Woman." We had seen the mock-up for this last year at an exhibition, but now, suddenly, here was the real thing, in a very central location.

And, finally, as always, there are the sunsets. Always fascinating, never the same, and we seem to never tire of them. I must share one that my brother caught the other night. One of the best sunset photos I have ever seen.

It rather appears like some Heavenly road map for Moses! Very cool. However, last night, the four of us gathered at Roberto's to see what nature was going to offer us.

We awaited the event, with a little music. And nature did not disappoint

This season there always seems to be sailboat in the picture -- and, of course, a girl

And, as the sun left its glow, some very dramatic, dark clouds moved in

I expected rain, they looked so threatening. It never happened. It was a rather muggy, damp night, but the drought continues. It is my understanding that it will more than make up for the absence of water come summer. Best to all and more soon as we are only a week and half from returning to reality.


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