Friday, March 8, 2013

A Lovely Day

Dear Family and Friends,

I must confess to using yet another blog format as this one seems to promise that I can include more than just a single photo. We will see how user-friendly it actually is. The irony is that I seem to have become very neglectful of using the camera.

Yesterday we had a truly lovely day and did I bring out my camera or phone once - No! So, it will have to be words, alas.

After early morning rituals, and I do mean early as I was out walking the Malécon at 7:20 and back about 8:30. The rush was that we were meeting our Georgia friends, Gene and Gay, out at their latest digs, at the Holiday Inn Resort for breakfast. They are delightful hosts and have been responsible for our being on the grounds of the fanciest resorts in PV. Not places where we commonly hang out.

While we would never want the daily life of such a place, the resort grounds are beautiful, with a huge pool in the center and a very nice, open dining area that looks out on the sea. Polley and I split a Meixcan breakfast of eggs smothered in green and red sauces, some spicy chorizo and, of course, a generous helping of my favorite frijoles! For me, there is little in the world better than a Mexican breakfast.

All four of then repaired to awaiting lounge chairs, sitting smartly under a thatched palapa on the beach. For the next 3 hours, we sipped on some cold beer and just chatted away. They are interesting people who have traveled the world over. It was a very easy, relaxing afternoon. About 2 pm, we excused ourselves as we did not want to miss siesta (it was an early morning) and caught a cab back to town. We had a little debriefing session over a couple of margaritas before heading up the hill for said nap.

About 6:30, it was back down the hill for our half bottle of wine and a dramatic sunset at Roberto's. We got the bottle of wine, but the sunset failed to materialize in any obvious fashion. The last few evenings have been like that. We get clear mornings, then some clouds move in, often providing some welcome relief from the hot sun. Then later in the afternoon there will be some clearing before clouds move reappear in a serious way, just before sunset. Thus, the drama in spoiled. That was last night. However, just after sunset, almost as I was thinking about our Kansa City friends, Dan and Susan Dana and the fact that they were about to leave, they appeared on the Malécon! They joined us for another hour and it was a great joy to see them one more time since we had reunited so late in their stay. Dan is off to their new condo in Sarasota, Florida, while Susan heads to Kansas City, still unable to give up he established roots. They will do a sort of strange commuting for awhile. It is not something that Polley and I would find very appealing.

We headed up the hill as Dan and Susan bid us adieu. We stopped at El Patio for a beer (a kind of rest stop halfway up the hill). The open air feeling of El Patio allowed us to look up and see that the clouds that had hidden the setting sun, had magically disappeared and the night was beautifully clear. A perfect late evening. Then it was home for a light supper, a drop (alright, two!) of tequila and then a we both drifted off, looking back on our idea of a perfect day.

Not wanting to leave you without any photo of our time hear, I did think it might be nice to introduce you to Kira, the old cat who actually was our landlord's mother's cat. She has taken up residence in one of our chairs and in my lap when she can grab it. We enjoy her and later I see if I can show you Lucy, the dark tabby who competes with Kira for our attentions!


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