Thursday, February 13, 2014

Discovering Life as a Non-Tourist

One and all,

As we enter our 6th week in PV, it sort of dawned on us yesterday, that we are no longer tourists, but we, in fact, live here! We talked with a nice couple from Vancouver, Washington (not BC, like most everyone else here). We had met them last year as they regularly occupy a slice of beach right near us. The conversation led to our not really doing anything other than trying to live our daily lives as much as others who live here on a long-term basis. We get up, we exercise, we shop, get haircuts and pedicures, read our books and just generally go about our lives as we might at home. Those who visit for a short time can't imagine not "doing" stuff. But that so much seems the point and after 5 weeks we are very comfortable with that. Hard to imagine? Not for us!

So, with that introduction, you may have guessed that I have little to report as they days have gone without incident. We did have a 24 hour bathroom emergency as we lost hot water, and the shower drain backed up and we had about an inch of standing water. Ironically, this happened the evening following the visit from a plumber. Apparently the roots of the bougainvillea have been playing havoc with the water and sewer lines. Our landlord and the plumber thought they had cured the problem, but had actually just pushed the congestion further down the line -- to our apartment! All is now well -- we think. We take each day "one flush at a time."

Sunday evening we were down on the Malécon for sunset, when we noticed a crowd gathering and some sort of sound system seemed to interrupt the scene. It turned out it was one of those "I Want to Marry You" staged proposals that you may have seen on You Tube. From out of nowhere, the music plays and friends proceed to offer a choreographed introduction to an eventual proposal.

Once the dance number ends, the young man goes to his knees in front a very surprised young woman and pops the question. I missed the proposal, but did manage to catch the acceptance

This is PV, you never know what might be happening. So, I try to carry my phone/camera (or as our friend from Chicago, Phil Gant, calls it: "from the brain in my hand") where every I got. Yesterday, as I was heading out on my walk through the park, I managed to catch a cat cuddling right into the lap of director John Huston

It's a little dark, but you get the idea. Houston, of course, directed "The Night of the Iguana," which is the film that put PV on the destination map.

Another quick cat moment, was our most recent guest, the little guy (we call him the "little shit") from upstairs.

He had found our luggage for his afternoon nap. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get that image to upload. Another time, perhaps. Another quick moment, happened yesterday as we came up the hill from the beach. I thought you might enjoy this "militarized" VW

"Pimping Up" VWs seems to be an active hobby down here.

Finally, of course, there are more sunsets. Actually, last night went through a number of interesting stages, beginning with "celestial light"

And then moving to this warm, pinkish glow in the clouds and along the horizon

To the sun, finally, just peeking from under the clouds, shortly before disappearing all together

To this last, rather ghostly imagine

After waiting through this progression, we waited for some dramatic afterglow. There was nothing! Flat gray was the end of the evening. Again, you never know what you might witness in PV. But, nevertheless, it the best of both worlds: "A great place to visit, and I'd want to live there!" Fortunately, for us, we do. MOre soon.


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